Monday, 11 September 2017

Forex4noobs Ebooking

JUAL Jual CDDVDEbooks Materi Trading Technische Analyse Aktualisieren Terus Tiap Bulan Jual CD, DVD, Ebook Materi Trading (Forex, Optionen, Futures, Candlestick, dll) Thread ini khusus untuk pembelian pro Titel. Untuk pembelischen dalam berbagai macam paket sesuai kebutuhan Anda bisa dilihat di sini. Untuk info Dari Setiap Materi Dapat Dilihat di Materi-Trading. blogspot Pembayaran Melalui BCA atau Bank Mandiri Pengiriman Melalui Tiki, JNE, atau Kilat Khusus Pos Indonesien Pembayaran bisa dilakukan setelah barang und ein terima jika menggunakan alamat kantor. Spoiler für Testimoni Zitat: Zitat von stryker ane dah beli gan. Insgesamt seharga 400rb. Ada sekitar 20-cd. Dibungkus rapi. Timothy sykes alexander elder Semuanya keren2. Kecuali beberapa dvd timothy sykes yg kualitas cd (bureng) kaufen. Karena pake alamat kantor, barang dikirim duluan. Jam 11 dateng, stau 3 wunde ane ke atm buat bayar. Mantaff deh. Trimmt banget buat TS, bener2 membantu buat belajar Handel. Zitat: Zitat von Nightingale2k1 hallo bro rudy, habe gerade die cd von dir dank viel yah 2x pesen 2x dibikinin dgn cepat pula nett, transaktion mit dir zu haben. Viel Glück immer Zitat: Original Verfasst von desginer Kiriman barang dah nyampe bro. Mantep dah Klo misalnya nanti ada edisi Händler Klassenzimmer yang 3 sama 4 PM ye bro. Biar bahan edukasinya jadi lengkap. Harusnya bro maen2 ke trit forex biar dagangan makin laku di pos pake spoiler. Zitat: Original geschrieben von jangandisini bro pusatebook paket telah datang mohon maaf kalau testinya terlambat owh iya bagaimana nih kalau ada beberapa datei di DVD nya yg ga kebaca sempurna (PDF nya) Zitat: Zitat von yshd bro, semua cddvd dalam kond bagus sebagian paket Sdh ditonton isinya bagus sekali dan bermutu: sgt direkomendasikan unt org yg mau belajar technische analyse kl sdh selesai dipelajari dan sdh ada dana sy kan beli lagi, beri diskonbonus yg gede ya bro Zitat: Zitat von bubu888 Lapor: Barang sudah diterima dengan baik Bos , Isinya juga bagus-bagus. Zitat: Original geschrieben von satutambahsatu bantu up. oben. Soalnya penjualnya baek banget barang dan Verpackung nya rapih Lieferung rechtzeitig, keine Verzögerung harga sangaat memuaskan, sangat kooperatip (percayaan) gue sudah pesen bberapa kali, nggak pernah kuciwa DEFINITELY, NO DOUBT. EMPFOHLENER VERKÄUFER. Zitat: Original Verfasst von syncman pesenan yg alle paket dah sampe boz. Tinggal semedi handel dulu neh. Dank pusatebook Zitat: Original Verfasst von tomhindriks Ich möchte nur sagen, dass pusatebook ein großer Verkäufer ist. Ich kaufte die 500gb. Harddisk von ihm, war ich zunächst sehr skeptisch, da ich ihn nicht kannte, aber er war sehr höflich und versicherte so entschloss ich mich, die Chance zu nehmen und ich war nicht enttäuscht. Sein Service war großartig, Lieferzeit sehr schnell, nur eine Woche, alles funktionierte, wie es funktionieren sollte oder noch besser. Die Festplatte funktionierte perfekt im Plug & Play-Modus. Er erhält die höchste Empfehlung. T Zitat: Original Verfasst von SCALPER kiriman udah nyampe gan..udah aku coba satu, hasilnya oke kok .. mudah2an jadi tambah pinter deh gue .. service oke, mudah2an tambah lancar lapaknya. Zitat: Thread Jualan Lain: Update-Liste Februar 2017 Liste pro Titel dapat Dilihat Di Post Di Bawah ini atau Dapat didownload di: Zitat: pusatebook-2017-02.xlsx - 126Kb Atau bisa Anfrage dikirim ke E-Mail Anda. LISTE AKTUALISIERUNG BULAN FEBRUARI 2017 Paket semua aktualisieren FEBRUARI 2017 bisa anda dapatkan seharga Rp. 200.000 Spoiler für Listeneintrag baru FEBRUARI 2017 DVDCourse: 1. Optionen Universität. Gamma Trading für Profis - Rp. 20.000 2. Peter Lusk. Mastering Debit Spreads - Conquer Volatilität und Zeit in Option Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Preis Headley. Trading Psychology Trading Management (7 DVD) - Rp. Deutsche Übersetzung durch phpBB. de 120.000 4. Steve Nison. Preiszielgewinne (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Suri Dudella. Erfolg und Misserfolg von Trading Chart Pattern (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Händler Trainer. Ultimative Elliott Welle Home-Study-Kurs (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (pro Titel Rp. 5.000): 1. Die Eliminierung der Teilung: Wie man Wirtschaftsindikatoren verwendet, um Aktienmarkttrends zu erfassen, von James B. Cornehlsen Michael J. Carr 2. MIDAS Technische Analyse: Ein VWAP-Ansatz für Handel und Investitionen in Heutige Märkte, von Andrew Coles David Hawkins 3. Die Forchione Methode: Binden der losen Enden - Antworten auf Ihre Fragen über Optionen, von Paul Forchione 4. Das kleine Buch der Börsengewinne: Die besten Strategien aller Zeiten noch besser. Von Mitch Zacks 5. Trendqualifizierung und Handel: Techniken, um die besten Trends für den Handel zu identifizieren, von L. A. Kleine Penawaran Khusus Paket Semua Materi Handel PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2017 (DVD Diconvert AVIMP4). Rp. 4.250.000 PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESOURCES 2017 (dalam Festplatte 3TB3000GB). Rp. 6.500.000 PAKET SEMUA TRADING RESSOURCEN 2017 (dalam Harddisk 1TB1000GB, DAN UNTUCH DVD diconvert menjadi AVIMP4). Rp. 4.500.000 Liste DVD Video Spoiler für List DVD Videos Alan Farley. Ausrichtung auf gewinnbringende Einstiegspunkte (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Alexander Ältester. Richtcharakteristik (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Alexander Ältester. Neue Taktik - Trading für ein Leben (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Alexander Ältester. Der Trading Room Video-Kurs mit Alexander-Älteren (10 VCD) Rp. 100.000 Alexander Ältester. Wirtschaftspsychologie (1 VCD) Rp. 12.500 Alexander Ältester. Gewinnende Psychologie und Taktiken - Traders039 Camp (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Ari Kiew. Being ein disziplinierter Trader - Techniken für die Erreichung Peak Trading Performance (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Bernie Schaeffer. Die Top Ten der leistungsstärksten Option Trading Secrets (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Bill Williams - Profitunity Kurse (12 VCD) RP. 125.000 Brett Steenbarger - Ein Traders Guide zur Selbstdisziplin (1 DVD) Charles Le Beau. Ein neuer Blick auf Exit Strategies (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Charles Le Beau. Wie Entwerfen, Testen, Evaluieren Implementieren Systeme (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Charles Le Beau. Präzise Exits-Einträge - Der Richtwert für den durchschnittlichen True Range Durchschnittlicher Richtungsindex (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Chris Johnson. (1 DVD) Rp. Deutsche Übersetzung von. 17.500 David Bowden - Der ultimative Gann-Kurs (9 DVD) Rp. 150.000 David S. Nassar. Precision Trading Techniques - Strategien zur Kombination von Preis, Volumen, Zeit und Geschwindigkeit (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 David Stendahl. Winning With Value Charts - Der Schlüssel zu konsequenten Handelsgewinnen (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Ed Downs. Trading the Moves - Konsistente Gewinne in allen Märkten (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Ed Ponsi. Forex Trading mit Ed Ponsi. Trading Strategien für den Forex Markt (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 FXCM. Der FXCM Kurs - Eine Einführung in den Forex Trading (1 DVD) Rp. 17,500 FXCM. Forex Trading Strategien - Technische Grundlagen Trading-Strategien für den Forex-Markt (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 George Angell. Wie für ein Praktikum bewerben SP 500 Futures (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 George Fontanills. Optionen Verbreitung Made Easy (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 George Kleinman. Top 10 Regeln für den erfolgreichen Handel - Eine Pro039s Private Collection (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Gerald Appel. Meisterklasse mit Gerald Appel (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Glenn Neely. NeoWave - Die Elliott-Welle in das 21. Jahrhundert (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Guppy. Fang die Bounce ein (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Guppy. GMMA Trend Volatilitätsmanagement (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Investools. Erweiterte Optionen (6 DVD) Rp. 100.000 Investoren. Fortgeschrittene technische Kurse (6 DVD) Rp. 100.000 Investoren. Grundeinstellungen (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Investoren. Grundlagen - 5 Schritte Investition Formel (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Jack Schwager039s Kompletter Führer zum Beherrschen der Märkte (12 DVD) Jack Schwager. Gewinnende Methoden der Markt-Zauberer (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Jake Bernstein. Spotting Preisschaukeln Seasonal Patterns - Techniken für präzise Timing Major Market Moves (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 James Bittman. Investieren mit LEAPS - Wahlmöglichkeiten in Langzeitoptionen (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 James Hyerczyk. Wie Gann Techniken verwenden, um ein Trading System (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 John Murphy - Anwendung technischer Methoden auf Today039s Märkte (1 DVD) R. 17.500 Joseph Frey. Ein vollständiger Kurs in Option Trading Fundamental (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Karim Rahemtulla. Zwei Optionsstrategien für jeden Anleger (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Kathy Lien - Der Insider039s Führer zum Forex Trading (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Ken Trester. Konservative Option Schreiben (2 VCD) Rp. 25.000 Ken Trester. Optionen Händler (8 DVD) Rp. 125.000 Ken Trester. Die Gewinnsseite der Optionen (2 VCD) Rp. 25.000 Larry McMillan. 4 Leistungsstarke Regeln für erfolgreiche Optionen Trading (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Larry McMillan. Vermeiden Sie Option Trading Traps (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Larry McMillan. Intensivoptions-Seminar DVD-Reihe (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Larry McMillan. Optionen Handel Indikatoren Muster für steigende Gewinne (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Larry McMillan. Die Volatilität Primer - Insider Methoden für erfolgreiche Optionen Trading (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Larry Williams. Kracking Der Geld-Code (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Lawrence Cavanagh. Option Screening - Profitables Handeln finden (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Mark Larson. 12 Technische Indikatoren, die wirklich funktionieren (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Michael Jardine. Einfache Fibonacci Trading - Profitable Techniken Jeder kann (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Million Dollar Händler (3 DVD) Rp. 52.500 Mitch Zacks. Entdecken Sie die Hot Stocks Früh - Erfolgreiche Aktienauswahl Strategien (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Oliver Velez. Optionen Trading-Taktik (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Optionetik - Optionen Schulung (6 DVD) Rp. 100.000 Optionenetik. Platinum Fortgeschritten (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Breadth Interne Indikatoren - Gewinnender Swing und Positionshandel mit Greg Capra (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Candlestick-Analyse mit Greg Capra (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Core Trading Tactics mit Oliver Velez - Battle-getestete Techniken für den Zwischenhändler Trader (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Guerilla Trading Tactics mit Oliver Velez - Schlacht getestete Techniken für die Short-Term Trader (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Intra-Day-Trading-Techniken mit Greg Capra - Schlacht getestete Techniken für die aktive Trader (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Intra-Day-Trading mit Marktintern mit Greg Capra (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Unberührt. Micro Trading Tactics mit Oliver Velez - Battle-Tested Techniken für den aktiven Trader (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Momentum Handel mit Oliver Velez (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Sentiment Interne Indikatoren - Gewinnender Swing - und Positionshandel mit Greg Capra (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Swing Trading Tactics mit Oliver Velez - Schlacht getestete Techniken für die Short-Term Trader (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Unberührt. Techniken zur perfekten Ihre Intra-Tage, GAP und Guerilla (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 ProOnline Trader DVD - Erlernen Sie, wie ein Pro zu handeln (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Zufallswanderung - Optionen Essentials (3 DVD) - Rp. 55.000 Rick Lehman. Covered Call Writing Heute - Innovative Strategien Einfache Techniken (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Rob Booker - Unterstützungswiderstand-Handel (1 DVD 1 CD) Rp. 30.000 Sheldon Natenberg. Beherrschen von Option Trading Volatility Strategies (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Stephen W. Bigalow. Erfolgreiche Optionen Trading-Strategien mit Candlestick-Analyse (3 DVD) Rp. 52.500 Steve Nison. Candlestick Re-Ignited (8 DVD) Rp. 125.000 Steve Nison. Profitieren Sie mit dem japanischen Candlestick Chart (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Steve Nison. Geheimnisse zum Werden Samurai Trader (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Steve Nison. Profitieren Sie in Forex (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Steve Nison Ken Calhoun. Intraday und Swing Trading Secrets - Kerzenständer, Lücken Breakout Patters Revealed (7 DVD) Rp. 120.000 Steve Nison Ken Calhoun. Aktienhandel Erfolg (14 DVD) Rp. 200.000 Steven Poser. Elliott Wave - Fortgeschrittener CMT Trading Kurs (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Sunny Harris. Trading 101 - Starten Sie Ihr Trading-Programm (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Sunny Harris. Trading 102 - Der Handel des Handels (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Timothy Sykes. PennyStocking (4 DVD) kaufen. 70.000 Timothy Sykes - PennyStocking Teil Deux (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Timothy Sykes. TIMraw (4 DVD) Rp. 70.000 Todd Gordon. FOREX Trading unter Verwendung von Fibonacci und Elliott Wave (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Tom DeMark. Trading Indicators für das 21. Jahrhundert (6 DVD) Rp. 100.000 Tradeguider - Bauherrenvertrauen und Minimierung der Angst (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Trendfund. Erweiterte Optionen (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Einleitung zu Futures (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. (2 DVDs) Rp. 1 - Das Geheimnis der RP. 17.500 Trendfund. Einführung in Optionen (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Intro to Trading - Auf dem eigenen Weg zum Reichtum (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Money Management Und Stop Losses - MAXIMIEREN SIE EINE GAINS (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Playing The Gaps (1 DVD) kaufen. 17.500 Trendfund. Leistungsdiagramm (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Power Trading (1 DVD) Rp. Deutsche Übersetzung durch phpBB. de 17.500 Trendfund. (1 DVD) Rp. Roger (1 DVD) Rp. Roger (1 DVD) (Übersetzung) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Scalping für Gewinner (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Abkürzung (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Trading Ihren Weg in den Ruhestand. So handeln und verwalten Sie Ihre IRA (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Trendfund. Trends sind deine Freunde (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Van Tharp. Disciplined Trading - So handeln Sie Ihren Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit (1 DVD) Rp. 17.500 Van Tharp. Position Dimensionierung Worskshop (2 DVD) Rp. 35.000 Wallstreet-Krieger. Staffel 1 (2 DVD) RP. 35.000 Wallstreet-Krieger. Staffel 2 (3 DVD) Rp. Veröffentlicht in Allgemein | 52.500 Liste KURSE Spoiler für CANDLESTICK Candlestick Forum. (Pro Titel Rp. 5000, Sem. Rp. 125.000) Spoiler für judul 01. Bearish Engulfing Signal 02. Bullish Engulfing 03. Breakout-Muster 04. Candlestick-Scans mit TC2000 05. Cradle-Muster Gürtelhalter-Muster 06. Dunkle Wolkendecke 07. Dynamisches Doji 08. Eintragsausgangsstrategien 09. Fibonacci-Handelstechniken 10. Fry Pan Bottom 11. Lücken am Boden 12. Lücken oben 13. Hammer 14. Hängender Mann 15. Harami-Muster 16. High Profit Trade Scanning Techniken 17. Inverted Hammer 18 J-Hook 19. Kicker-Signale 20. Major Candlestick-Signale 21. Bedeutende gleitende Durchschnitte 22. Morgen-Stern-Abend-Stern 23. Piercing-Muster 24. Projizierende Preisziele 25. Schaufelmuster 26. Shooting Star 27. Stop-Loss-Strategien Techniken 28. Trend Analysis Candlestick Trading für maximale Gewinne (Rp. 10.000) Gewinnen an der Wall Street - Die Geheimnisse der Candlestick (Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für ELLIOT WAVE Advanced Elliottician Zertifizierung (Rp. 15.000) Elliot Wave. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Sem. Rp. 150.000) Spoiler für Judul 01. Die Grundlagen des Wellenprinzips 02. Gewinnung der Kraft der Impulswellen 03. Wie handeln Sie, wenn der Markt ZIGZAGS 04. Wie man Triangles Trust That Follows 05. Wie man die BullBear Möglichkeiten in den ausgedehnten Flächen tauscht 06. Wie man diagonale Dreiecke tauscht Teil 1 07. Wie man diagonale Dreiecke Teil 2 handhabt 08. Wie man Choppy seitwärts Märkte tauscht 09. Wie man Handel Gelegenheiten 1 entdeckt 10. Wie man Spot Trading Opportunities 2 11. Wie fange und fahre Extended Waves 12. Trading the Line - So nutzen Sie Trendlinien, um Reversals und Ride Trends zu identifizieren 13. Wie Sie Wendepunkte mit Fibonacci identifizieren können 1 2 14. So wählen und handeln Sie einzelne Aktien 15 Wie man die höchsten Wahrscheinlichkeiten Chancen: Preislücken 16. Wie das Wave-Prinzip verwenden, um Ihre Forex Trading zu steigern 17. Wie handeln Sie die besten Chancen Wahrscheinlichkeiten. Preis-Bars und Chart-Muster 18. Wie die höchsten Wahrscheinlichkeit Chancen Handel. Moving Averages 19. Wie Sie das Elliott-Wave-Prinzip verwenden, um Ihre Optionen zu verbessern Trading-Strategien - Kurs 1 Vertical Spreads 20. Wie Sie das Elliott-Wave-Prinzip verwenden, um Ihre Optionen zu verbessern Trading-Strategien - Kurs 2 Bereich gebundenen Strategien 21. Wie die Elliott verwenden Wave-Prinzip zur Verbesserung Ihrer Optionen Trading-Strategien - Kurs 3 Volatilität Jody Samuels. Elliott Wellenanalyse Kurs (Rp. 15.000) Vision Gruppe - Executive Mentoring Elliot Wave (Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für FIBONACCI Carolyn Boroden. Einführung in die Fibonacci Zeit - und Preisanalyse (Rp. 10.000) FibMaster. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Semua Rp. 40.000) Spoiler für Judul 1. Einführung in Fibonacci Trading 2. Fortgeschrittene Fibonacci Trading 3. Trading The Trend 4. Money Management Stop-Verlust Platzierung 5. Lassen Sie Ihre Gewinne Fibonacci, Elliot Wave, Zig Zag Ausbildung (2 CD) Fibonacci Secrets (Rp. 10.000) Profinacci (2 CD) (Rp. 25.000) Spoiler für TECHNISCHE ANALYSE Dynamic Traders. Dynamic Trading Multimedia E-Learning Workshop (6 CD) (Rp. 50.000) Gerald Appel - Aufbau Anwendung der MACD-Anzeige (Audio-Handbuch) - Rp. 10.000 Guppy. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Sem. Rp. 50.000) Spoiler für Judul 1. Precision Pattern Trading 2. Precision Pattern Trading Workbook 3. Besser Trading mit dem Guppy Multiple Moving Average 4. Besser mit dem Guppy Multiple Moving Durchschnittliche Workboo 5. Modern Darvas Trading 6. Darvas Trading Workbook 7. Risiko, Stop Loss und Position Größe Joe DiNapoli (pro Titel Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für Judul Advanced Fibonacci Anwendungen und die Preisachse im Forex-, Aktienindex - und Zinsfutures (Audio-Handbuch) Anwendung von Fibonacci-Analyse auf Preis-Aktion (Audio-Handbuch) Präzisions-Day-Trading-Strategien mit DiNapoli-Ebenen (Audio-Handbuch) Linda Raschke - Fünf grundlegende Handelsmuster und ihre Anwendung auf die Märkte (Audio-Handbuch) - Rp. 10.000 Mike Coval. (Pro Titel Rp. 7.500, semua Rp. 50.000) Spoiler für Judul Advanced Charting Grundlegende Charting-Kalender Spreads auf ETF039s Fundamentalanalyse Index-Optionen Short Selling Slam-Spiele Spread Trading Trading der offenen Paritech. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für Judul PariTech Modul 1 Technische Analyse PariTech Modul 2 Technische Analyse PariTech Modul 3 Fundamentalanalyse Profi-Chart Lesen Bootcamp (2 CD) (Rp. 25.000) Profitieren Sie mit Chart-Patterns von Ed Downs (Rp. 10.000) Handel Preis Muster (Rp. 10.000) Forex Kurse. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für Judul 10 Minuten Forex Wealth Erbauer Fast Track Forex Secrets ausgesetzt Kurs Forex Avenger Forex Finder. Die ultimative Forex-System Forex-Loophole Forex Profit-Beschleuniger Forex Trading für maximale Profit-Forex-Trading-Maschine (mit Videos) Hedge Master Forex. (Rp. 10.000) AIME (8 CD) (Rp. 75.000) Chris Lori - Pro Trader für Fortgeschrittene Forex Kurs (12 CD) (Rp. 100.000) Forex Mentor Kurs (8 CD, 3 DVD) (Rp. 125.000) Forex Scalping Kurs (Rp. 10.000) Hochwahrscheinlichkeit Umkehrmuster für den Forex Trader (Rp. 10.000) Im Inneren der Banken (Rp (CD) - Rp. (CD) (DVD & VHS) Hörproben vorhanden 60.000 Peter Bain - Das Beste aus AM Review Volume 2 (4 CD) - Rp. 40.000 FXClub. (Forex - Chartanalyse Teil II - Forex - Chartanalyse Teil II 4 - Forex - Die wesentlichen Indikatoren 5 - Forex - Charting der Euro 6 - Das Verständnis der japanischen Leuchter FXStreet Webinar: (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Sema Rp. 200.000) Spoiler für Judul Advanced APF Methoden, um die Preis-Momentum Advanced Forex Trading-Momentum gegen Reversals innerhalb Indikatoren Detaillierte Methoden für die Suche nach Dominante Trends in Devisenmärkten. Verstehen von Öl - und Devisenmärkten Einführung in das Preisverhalten (Teil 1-4) Zurück zu den Grundlagen. Der RSI-Indikator einer meiner Favoriten Black Swans - Nutzen der unerwarteten Bollinger Bands und RSI Aufbau eines Handelssystems in der Forex Capture Umkehrpunkte mit dem Einsatz von Indikatoren und Oszillatoren Fang von Rotbarsch aus dem Pool. Trendlinien und technische Indikatoren Kombinieren von Leuchtern mit westlicher technischer Analyse Kombinieren fundamentaler technischer Analysen Engagement der Händler (COT) Indikator Gemeinsame Break-Out Strategien Gemeinsame Sense-Grundlagen und Techniken für echte Händler Eroberung von Angst und Habgier Konventionelle Chart-Muster und Forex-Gespräche mit einem Pro Trader - Teil I 2 Covered Carry Trades Erstellen und Verwenden eines leistungsstarken Trading-Plan - Teil 1 2 Day Trading in den Forex und verwandten Märkten - Eine profitable Trading-Strategie für die Futures und Forex Markets Day Trading in den Forex und verwandten Märkten - Wie man ein profitables zu entwickeln (Teil 1) Day Trading Series - Kapitel II Day Trading-Grundlagen (Teil 2) Day Trading Series - Kapitel III - Entwicklung einer profitablen Handelsstrategie (Teil 1) IV - Entwicklung einer profitablen Handelsstrategie (Teil 2) Day Trading Series - Kapitel V - Die 10 Machtsprinzipien erfolgreicher Handelsstrategien Day Trading Series - Kapitel VI Tipps und Tricks für erfolgreiche Day Trading effektiv mit Stop Losses Emerging Market Währungen Eingeben und Verlassen Ihrer Trades Equity-Märkte und der Forex-Markt Exotische Forex-Optionen Fakten, Fiction und Wahrheit über Day Trading Fibonacci - von Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene Techniken Finden Sie Ihre Einreise Forex in Fünf - Vollzeit-Strategien für Teilzeit-Trader Forex Mysteries Revealed Forex-Optionen - Teil 1 2 Forex Swing Trading, Low Risk Hohe Belohnung Trading in der größten Fundamentalanalyse: FED-Meetings und ihren Einfluss auf den Handel Futures Vs Forex FX Instructor Live Trading Room Hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit Forex Pattern Trading Wie man anfängt Trading Forex Wie man begonnen Trading Forex - einfache Trendline - Analyse für große Trades Wie zu identifizieren und Handel eine breite Palette Wie man das Risiko mit Hilfe von Preis - Verhaltensanalyse Wie man erfolgreich und gewinnt Handel Ausfall - Setups Wie New US - Regulierungen auf den Finanzmärkten wird sich auf Währungshandel auswirken Identifizierung der wöchentlichen fundamentalen Trend von EURUSD Index Investieren für Forex Trader Institutionelle Trading-Strategien Institutionelle Trading-Strategien - Spotting Reversals Institutionelle Trading-Strategien - Die - Smart Stop-System Intermarket Beziehungen Forex-Optionen Einführung in Candlestick-Muster Langzeit-Support und Resistance Trading-Setups und Regeln Auf der Suche nach Tag-Trades Main Technisches Thema auf dem Devisenmarkt Verwalten eines Portfolios Mapping der News-Markt Neutrale Forex-Optionen Strategien Verwalten eines Portfolios Verwalten des Risikos für eine konsistente Rentabilität im Forex-Markt Momentum und SMA 20- Alexander Elder Technique erklärt Mehrere Low Risk Forex-Einträge mit Unterstützung und Resistance Multiple Timeframe Trading Pitchforks mit Fibonacci Retracements Position Sizing und Geld-Management Preis Muster Raghee Horner039s Four Step Trading - Forex Regelbasierten Short Term Trading In Forex Verkauf von Optionen für Spaß und Gewinn Aktien für Devisenhändler Strategische Taktische FOREX Trading 1 2 Angebot und Nachfrage Handel mit mechanischen Indikatoren und Oszillatoren in der Forex-Märkte Technische Analyse Bootcamp - die Indikatoren müssen Sie wissen, und wie sie zu interpretieren Technischer Trading-Stratege in der kurzen und längeren Sagen Sie mir die Fibonacci-Verhältnisse don039t Arbeit - Harmonic Patterns Der Wetterbericht Ichimoku Cloud Trading Trade Was ist Real, Nicht, was Sie Feel-Quantifizierung Versorgung (Widerstand) und Nachfrage (Unterstützung) In den Forex-Märkten Trading und Identifizierung der Volatilität im Forex Trading Break Out039s und andere Marktansichten Trading Forex auf einer täglichen Basis mit täglichen Charts Trading Forex Volatility Trading Lücken in den Forex Trading Intermarket Relationships Handelsplan - Regeln und Werkzeuge - Teil 1 2 Handelspläne - Regeln für einen kurzfristigen Trader Trading Range Bound und Trending Marktbedingungen Trading-Setups, wenn Ausbrüche aren039t eine Option - Fibonacci Trades Trading Straddles und Strangles in der Forex Trading Strategie Essentials Handel mit Bollinger-Bändern und dem ATR-Trendhandel - Teil 1 - Elemente des Trendtrades in Devisen - und Futures-Märkten Trendtrading - Teil 2 Bestimmen Sie die besten Studien, die bei der Festlegung der Tendenz im Anschluss an das Trading-System Trending oder Channeling eingesetzt werden. Kombinieren von Trading-Systemen verstehen, Fibonacci Ratio effektiv verstehen, die Schaffung von Kerzen in Forex Trading Verständnis der genauen Prozess hinter der Bewegung im Preis verstehen, die einfachen Regeln der Geld-Management-Teil I. Die Risk-to-Belohnung Verhältnis Verständnis der einfachen Regeln der Money Management Teil II: Positionsgrößen Entsperren der Forex Broker Auswahl Verwirrung Mit CCI und Stochastik Für Long und Short Term Forex Trading Verwenden von FX-Optionen, um Risiken zu kontrollieren und Gewinne mit Fibonacci Ebenen, um Preisziele und Timing projizieren Mit Fibonacci Ratios, um Ihre Trades effizient mit Fibonacci Retracements zu verwalten Zu identifizieren Unterstützung und Widerstand Watch Live-Berichterstattung über die US-GDP Was ist VWAP: Wie Spot-Institutionen Warum Volatilität: Wahrscheinlichkeit Materie im Forex Trading New York Trader039s Workshop 2008 von Rob Booker, Boris Schlossberg Kathy Lien (Rp. 50.000) Raghee Horner - Intro Zu Forex (5 CD) - Rp kaufen. 50.000 Raghee Horner - Devisenhändler-Paket (9 CD) Rp. 100.000 Spoiler für OPTIONEN Hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit Optionen Handel. (Sprechrolle) (Pro Titel Rp. 7.500, Sem. Rp 75.000) Spoiler für Judul 01. Basic Spreads Straddles 02. Covered Call Writing 03. Naked Option Writing 04. Spekulative Option Kauf 05. Fortgeschrittene Verbreitungstechniken 06. Ablaufprogramm Trading 07. LEAPS Strategies 08. Verwenden von Put-Call-Verhältnissen 09. Intermarket-Spreads-Pairs-Trading 10. Versicherungsoptionen 11. Optionsmodellierung und die Griechen 12. Strukturierte Produkte 13. Warum Handelsvolatilität Teil 1 14. Warum Handelsvolatilität Teil 2 Optionen, die den unberührten Weg handeln (Rp. 15.000) Optionen Universität Spoiler für Judul Optionen Universität - 3. Jährliche Forex und Optionen Superconference - Rp. 20.000 Die Optionen Mastery Kurse (28 Module) - Rp. 100.000 Optionen Universität - Einführung in Optionen - Rp. 12.500 Gefahr Arzt. (7 Teile) Strategie 1 - Die vielseitige Vertikale Strategie 2 - Straddles Strangles (Dynamic Gamma Scalping) Strategie 3 - Praktische Anwendung des Griechen Strategie 4 - Schmetterlinge, Kondor Andere Flügel Spreads Strategie 5 - Kalender Konfigurationen Strategie 6 - Fortgeschrittene Hybrid Hedge Strategien Strategie 7 - Nuancen des implizierten Volatilitäts-Schrägspoilers für PSYCHOLOGIE Der Krieger Trader039s. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für HANDEL Alan Rich. Der Trading der Nasdaq (4 CD) (Rp. 30.000) 92t Alexander Elder. (2 CDs) - Rp. 2 (CD) - RP (deutsche Übersetzung) Songtext: Bill McCready (englische sprache) 20.00092t ClickEvents. Schlagen Sie den Index (Rp. 10.000) 92t ClickEvents. UK Stufe II (Rp. 10.000) 92t ETF Trend Trading Kurs (6 CD) (Rp. 50.000) 92t INO Fernsehapparat. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Sem. Rp. 250.000) Spoiler für Judul A Dosis der Realität Ein Techniker Blick auf die Heiß-Futures-Märkte Fortgeschrittene Trading Applikationen von Candlestick Charting 1 -2 Anwendung von Durchbruch Handels-Tools Vermeidung von gemeinsamen Trading-Fallstricke Bauen Sie Ihr eigenes System Fangen Sie die Big Moves Chaos Die neue Karte für Händler Klassische Indikatoren Zurück in die Zukunft Verpflichtung der Händler Analyse Erstellung der optimalen Handel für explosive Profits Zyklen, Gann Fibonacci Fünf neue Tools für Gewinner Formel zu einem Vermögen Neue Erkenntnisse aus alten Indikatoren Wie Preis Muster Vorhersage Marktbewegungen Wie man eine professionelle Trader Wie Systeme zu bewerten Wie man eine Million wie Larry So verwenden Sie die Option Volatilität, um Trading-Quoten verwenden Wie Verwenden von Spreads, um einen Trading-Roadmap Wie können Sie richtig sein, während die Menge verliert eine Million in der nächsten 5 Jahre Meine Lieblings-Trading-Tools Optionen Boot Camp Vol 1 - 4 Praktische Tools, um Ihr Trading Putting Wahrscheinlichkeiten auf Ihrer Seite Verringerung der Gefahr von Optionen Trading Sieben Wegweiser für Marktanalyse Erfolg Spread Trading Taktik Synergetische Technische Analyse - Band 1 - 3 Der nächste Schritt In der Marktanalyse Die Mechanik des Futures Trading Die Optionen Advantage Vol 1 - 2 Die prädiktive Macht der Futures Optionen Handel wie ein Pro Vol 1 - Vol 4 Handel als Business Trading-Optionen effektiv Vol 1 - 4 Entsperren des Mysteriums der Trendanalyse Welche Marktzyklen (1 CD 1 DVD) (Rp.25.000) Für eine grössere Darstellung klicken Sie auf das Bild. 15.000 Sure Thing Gebrauchsgüterhandel - Rp. 15.000 Momentum Trend Trader (Rp. 10.000) GeldShow. (Pro Titel Rp. 7.500, Semua Rp. 200.000) Spoiler für Judul 01. Erweiterte Candle Charting für Aktien, Optionen und Futures Trading 02. Buchung 50 Profite auf 5 Swings 03. Erobern Sie Ihre Angst mit Kampfflugzeug-Techniken 04. Verschiedene Märkte , Verschiedene Taktiken 05. Verdienen Sie ein Leben mit drei leistungsfähigen Handel Taktik mit Oliver Velez 06. Hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit Pivot-Punkt-System für Swing Traders 07. Verwalten von Optionsrisiko: Eine praktische Übung bei der Anwendung und Überwachung Ihrer Strategien 08. Die besten Trader You039ve nie Heard Of 09. Die verborgene Macht der Preisskalen 10. Das Geheimnis der Systementwicklung 11. Die höchsten Wahrscheinlichkeitsstufen für Aktien Futures und Optionen 12. Handel für das Leben mit Oliver Velez 13. Trading Challenge 14. Verstehen und Verwenden von Synthetischen Positionen 15 Wenn Trading Styles zusammenstoßen: Techniker und Fundamentalisten gehen Kopf an Kopf 45 Minuten, um erfolgreiche Optionen Trading Advanced Fibonacci Elliott Wave Advanced Ertragsproduktion Tipps: Lernen Sie, wie man Candle Charts korrekt lesen und die Psychologie hinter Them Advanced Trading-Strategien für erfahrene Forex Trader Anfänger Hier beginnen Forex Trading Grundlagen Brechen Barrieren Charting-Grundlagen mit Techniken Breakout Trading mit Oliver Velez-Learning the Market039s 1 Power Play Konstruieren und Handel eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit Trading System Erstellen von Disziplin durch Schreiben Sie Ihre eigenen Personal Trading Plan Entwickeln Sie Ihre eigenen FX Trading Plan Forex Muster und Wahrscheinlichkeiten Wie man das intelligente Geld und handeln wie ein Insider wie man den Markt liest, planen Sie Ihre Trades und ziehen Sie den Auslöser Narrowing the Field, um die besten Trading Chancen zu erlernen, Trade Futures aus den Pros Optionen haben noch Predictive Power Erkennen Sie gewinnende Muster in Die Börse Sieben Schritte zu einem erfolgreichen Handel: Wie Sie den Markt mit weniger Risiko outperformieren Die 90-Minuten-Trader-Taktik für die Intraday-Trader Die einzige Indikator, den Sie jemals brauchen, um Einkommen zu erbringen konsequent Die prädiktive Macht der Swing-Trade-Muster Die Überraschung Handel: Trading the Trend Frühe die richtige Art und Weise zu nutzen Wirtschaftsdaten und Ankündigungen, um Trading-Chancen im Foreign Currency Trader Forum finden. Vorbereitung auf den nächsten Handelstag mit Optionen zur Vorhersage der breiten Markt, Aktien, Sektoren oder Futures MoneyShow University. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000) Spoiler für Judul Einführung in die Elliott-Wave-Theorie Elliott Wave und Fibonacci Strategien eines professionellen FX Traders Nein B. S. Trading (Rp. 10.000) Online Trading Academy. (Pro Titel Rp. 10.000, Sema Rp. 150.000) Spoiler für Judul 6 Psychologische Vorurteile in Ihrem Trading - Wer sind Sie wirklich 7 Säulen des Handels 8 Schlüsselläufe am Handelstag 10 Gesetze des Risikomanagements Vorteile des Direktzugriffs-Handels mit Nasdaq-Niveau II Forex-Marktanalyse Controlling der Handel - Ihr Geld verwalten Dr. Peter Navarro Savvy Macwall Investor E-Mini - 1. Index Futures Trading E-Mini - 2. Erweiterte Strategien Fibonacci Forex - 1. Die fantastische Welt des Foreign Exchange Trading Forex - 2 . Spot Market Advanced Strategies Fundamentals of Direct Access Trading How I Survived the Great Bull Market of the 20th Century Learn to Think Differently Mastering SelectNet Order Routing Mind Method and Market NASDAQ039s TotalView Options - 1. Options for Options Trading Options - 2. Excercise Your Options Options - 3. Advanced Concepts - Mastering Volatility Power Trading in Globalization 3.0 Short Selling Stress Management SuperSOES Order Routing Swing Trading Strategies Technical Analysis 1 Technical Analysis 2 Technical Analysis 3 Trading As A Business Price Headly. (per title Rp. 10.000) Spoiler for Judul Aggressive Option Strategies QQQ Strategies Winning SP Strategies Winning Stock Strategies Pring. (per title Rp. 10.000) Spoiler for Judul Breaking The Black Box Candlestick Explained Day Swing Trading How to Select Stock Using Technical Analysis Introduction to Technical Analysis Momentum Explained Basic Momentum Explained Vol 2 Pristine. Trading The Pristine Method 1 (Rp. 10.000) Pristine - Insights into Direct Access Level II Trading) - Rp. 12.500 RS of Houston Breakthrough Day TradingWorkshop and Home Study Course (Rp. 25.000) Scott Andrews - Using Probabilities to Trade The Opening Gap - Rp. 12.500 Speculating with Futures and Foreign Currencies FOREX (Rp. 10.000) Stock Trading Course by Tony Oz (4 CD) (Rp. 30.000) Super Divergence Blueprint (Rp. 15.000) The 5 Minute Investor Trading Course. Risk Control and Profit Management (Rp. 10.000) The Power Trade System (Rp. 10.000) Toni Hansen. 5 Technical Signals You Should Trade Without (4 CD) (Rp. 30.000) Trader Galleria Courses. (per title Rp. 10.000, semua Rp. 175.000) Spoiler for Judul 01. Kevin Haggerty039s Sequence Trading Course 02. How To Successfully Trade The Haggerty 1,2,3 Strategy 03. How To Trade Major First-Hour Reversals For Rapid Gains 04. How To Successfully Trade The Haggerty Slim Jim Strategy for Explosive Gains 05. Ultimate Bow Ties Strategy 06. Trading High-Momentum Stocks With Landry Persistent Pullbacks 07. The Secrets to Successful Forex Trading 08. Trading The Kaltbaum Seven-Step Methodology 09. The Most Effective Professional Breakout And Breakdown Strategies For Daytraders 10. The Tyler Method For Successful Triangle Trading 11. Professional Strategies for Trading the DAX Market 12. Burgess Triple-Thrust Momentum Method 13. How I Trade Runaway Gaps To Capture Explosive Intraday Moves 14. How I Trade Growth Stocks In Bull And Bear Markets 15. Trading The Curran 3-Line Break Method: A Professional Strategy For Daytrading The E-minis 16. How To Find Stocks That Make Runaway Moves 17. How I Make A Living Daytrading Stocks 18. My 5-Minute Method For Trading The Mini-Dow For A Living 19. How To Trade Senters Squeeze Play Strategy 20. Trading The Hobbs Triple Crown Strategy 21. Real-World Options For Novice Options Traders My 5 Favorite Options Strategies With Tony Saliba 22. Trading The Connors Windows Strategy Spoiler for Judul Developing a Winning Trading System That Fits You (12 CD Audio) (Rp. 100.000) Business Planning for Investors (8 CD AUDIO) (75.000) Trader Pyschology (1 CD Audio) (Rp. 10.000) Winning on Wall Street :7 Keys to the Winning on Wall Street System (Rp. 10.000) Spoiler for List Ebooks H - S Hedge Fund Alpha. A Framework for Generating Understanding Investment Performance Hedge Fund Course Hedge Fund Leadership: How To Inspire Peak Performance from Traders and Money Managers Hedge Fund Masters: How Top Hedge Fund Traders Set Goals, Overcome Barriers, and Achieve Peak Performance Hedge Fund of Funds Investing Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals - Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge Hedge Funds - Quantitative Insights Hedge Hunters. Hedge Fund Masters on The Rewards, The Risk, The Reckoning Hedgehogging Hedges on Hedge Funds High Performance Options Trading High Probability ETF Trading. 7 Professional Strategies to Improve Your ETF Trading High Probability Trading High ProbabilityTrading Setups High-powered Investing All-in-one for Dummies How a Second Grader Beats Wall Street. Golden Rules Any Investor Can Learn How Harvard and Yale Beat the Market. What Individual Investors Can Learn From the Investment Strategies of the Most Successful University Endowments How I Became a Quant. Insight from 25 Wall Street039s Elite How I Trade For A Living How I Trade Options How Legendary Traders Made Millions How to Be A Sector Investor How to Be A Small Cap Investor How to Be A Value Investor How To Create And Manage A Hedge Fund How to Create and Manage a Mutual Fund or Exchange-Traded Fund How to Get Started in Electronic Day Trading How to Make Money in Stocks How To Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett How To Trade The New Single Stock Futures How Wall Street Works Index Funds Inside the House of Money - Top Hedge Fund Traders On Profiting in the Global Markets Inside the Investor039s Brain: The Power of Mind Over Money Intermarket Analysis: Profiting from Global Market Relationships Intermarket Trading Strategies Internet Trading Course - The Complete Course in Online Investment Investing for Income Investing from the Top Down. A Micro Approach to Capital Markets Investing in a Post Enron World Investing with ETF Made Easy Investing With Giants Investing Smart Investment Gurus Investment Madness Investment Strategies of Hedge Funds Investment Titans Investor039s Guide to Charting. Analysis for the Intelligent Investor J. Christoph Amberger039s Hot Trading Secrets: How to Get In and Out of the Market with Huge Gains in Any Climate Jesse Livermore Worlds Greatest Stock Trader John Bogle on Investing Just One Thing Twelve of The Best Investor Left Brain Trading - The right mindset technique for success in the forex market Leg The Spread LongShort Market Dynamics: Trading Strategies for Today039s Markets Mapping The Markets Margin Trading from A to Z. A Complete Guide to Borrowing, Investing and Regulation Market Panic - Wild Gyrations, Risk and Opportunity in Stock Markets Markets in Profile: Profiting from the Auction Process Master the Markets Master Traders. Strategies for Superior Returns from Todays Top Traders Mastering Direct Access Fun Mastering the Currency Market Forex Strategies for High and Low Volatility Markets Mastering Trading Stress: Strategies for Maximizing Performance Mathematics of The Securities Industry McMillan on Options Mechanical Trading Systems. Pairing Trader Psychology with Technical Analysis Millionaire Traders How - Everyday People Are Beating Wall Street at Its Own Game Mutual Fund Industry Handbook Naked Guide to Bonds Navigate the Noise New Market Mavericks New Markets, New Strategies New Thinking in Technical Analysis On Money and Markets One Shot One Kill Trading Opportunity Investing - How to Profit When Stocks Advance Stocks Decline Optimal Portfolio Modeling Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity Options Option Theory and Trading. A Step-by-Step Guide to Control Risk Generate Profits Options Essential Concepts and Trading Strategies Options and Options Trading Options for The Begginer Beyond Options Made Easy Options Trading for the Conservative Investor - Increasing Profits without Increasing Your Risk Ordinary People, Extraordinary Profits: How to Make a Living as an Independent Stock, Options, and Futures Trader Paths to Wealth Through Common Stocks Pattern Recognition and Trading Decisions Pattern, Price and Time Pick Stocks Like Warren Buffet Point Figure Charting: The Essential Application for Forecasting and Tracking Market Prices Power Investing With Basket Securities Practical Speculation Precious Metals Trading. How To Forecast and Profit from Major Market Moves Predict Market Swings With Technical Analysis Pring on Price Patterns Profit with Options - Essential Methods for Investing Success Profitability and Systematic Trading: A Quantitative Approach to Profitability, Risk, and Money Management Profitable Candlestick Trading: Pinpointing Market Opportunities to Maximize Profits Profiting in Bull or Bear Markets Profiting With Forex: The Most Effective Tools and Techniques for Trading Currencies Psychology of Money Put Option Strategies for Smarter Trading. How to Protect Build Capital in Turbulent Markets Quantitative Trading: How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business Quantitative Trading Strategies Update 2016 Spoiler for list item baru JANUARI 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Pristine. Trading The Pristine Method - Rp. 20.000 2. Alan Farley. Cash In Instead of Getting Crushed - New Market Patterns for Active Traders (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 3. Joe Krutsinger. Building Winning Trading Systems (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 4. Kery Given. The Ultimate Options Course - Building a Money-Making Trading Business (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 5. Robert Miner. Beyond Fib Retracements (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Toni Turner. How to Profit Using Support Resistance (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. How to Make Money in Stocks Success Stories: New and Advanced Investors Share Their Winning Secrets. by Amy Smith 2. Stock Traders Almanac 2016. by Jeffrey A. Hirsch 3. The 36 Strategies of the Chinese for Financial Traders. by Daryl Guppy 4. The Art of Trend Trading: Animal Spirits and Your Path to Profits. by Michael Parness 5. The Handbook of Technical Analysis: The Practitioners Comprehensive Guide to Technical Analysis. by Mark Lim Spoiler for list item baru FEBRUARI 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Pristine. Advanced Options Strategies - Rp. 20.000 2. James Bittman. Advanced Strategies for Option Trading Success (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Jeffrey Kennedy. The Kennedy Channeling Technique (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. John Murphy. Using Sector Analysis to Find Todays Best Market Opportunities (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Kathy Lien Boris Schlossberg. Forex Fundamentals Master Class (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 6. Oliver Velez. Simple Tactics to Trade for Wealth (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market: Technical and Fundamental Strategies to Profit from Market Moves, 3rd Edition. by Kathy Lien 2. Systematic Trading: A Unique New Method for Designing Trading and Investing Systems. by Robert Carver 3. The Definitive Guide to Mastering the Psychology of Trading. by Mark Douglas 4. Trade with the Odds: How To Construct Market-Beating Trading Systems. by Anthony Trongone 5. Trend Trading For Dummies. Barry Burns Spoiler for list item baru MARET 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Toni Hansen. Market Timing - Rp. 15.000 2. James Bittman. Picking the Best Stocks Strategies for Every Option Trade (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Jody Samuels. The Traders Pendulum - The 10 Habits of Successful Traders (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Justine Williams-Lara. Pulling Profit from Chaos - Proven Indicators for Spotting Winning Trades (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Steve Primo. Forex College (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 6. Toni Turner. Secrets to Profiting with ETFs (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Intra-Day Trading Tactics: Pristines Stategies for Seizing Short-Term Opportunities. by Greg Capra 2. Options Trading for the Institutional Investor: Managing Risk in Financial Institutions. by Michael C. Thomsett 3. Swing Trading. by Oliver L. Velez 4. The Art of The Chart: A Guide To Knowing When and Why To Buy Sell Stocks. by Joseph E. Majocha 5. The Power of Japanese Candlestick Charts: Advanced Filtering Techniques for Trading Stocks, Futures and Forex. by Fred K. H. Tam Spoiler for list item baru APRIL 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Kirill Eremenko. Algorithmic Trading In Forex - Create Your First Forex Robot - Rp. 15.000 2. Kathy Lien. GBP Trading Course (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 3. Martin Pring. Technical Analysis for Short-Term Traders (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Price Headly. High Impact Options Trading - Option Profits Through Superior Stock Selection (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Steve Primo. Stock College (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 6. Syl Desaulniers. Exit Strategies (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. 7 Charts Pattern That Consistenly Make Money. by Ed Downs 2. New Frontiers in Technical Analysis: Effective Tools and Strategies for Trading and Investing. by Paul Ciana 3. Tactical Trend Trading: Strategies for Surviving and Thriving in Turbulent Markets. by Rob Robbins 4. Time The Markets: Using Technical Analysis to Interpret Economic Data. by Charles D. Kirkpatrick 5. Trading Psychology 2.0: From Best Practices to Best Processes. by Brett N. Steenbarger Spoiler for list item baru MEI 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. The Daily Scalper - Rp. 15.000 2. Jake Bernstein. How Price Patterns Forecast Market Moves (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Justine Williams-Lara. Counting Elliott Waves - The Profitunity Way (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 4. Michael Jardine. Daily Trading Profit - Market Profile-Based Trading Methods (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Peter Lusk. Planning Option Trades for Beginners - The Greeks, Volatility, and How to Pick the Best Trades (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Toni Turner. Seven Steps to Successful Trading (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. A Complete Guide to Volume Price Analysis. by Anna Coulling 2. Breakthrough Strategies for Predicting Any Market: Charting Elliott Wave, Lucas, Fibonacci, Gann, and Time for Profit. by Jeff Greenblatt 3. Building Algorithmic Trading Systems: A Traders Journey From Data Mining to Monte Carlo Simulation to Live Trading. by Kevin Davey 4. Profiting from Weekly Options: How to Earn Consistent Income Trading Weekly Option Serials. by Robert J. Seifert 5. Smart Trading Plans: A Step-by-step Guide to Developing A Business Plan for Trading The Markets. by Brett N. Steenbarger Spoiler for list item baru JUNI 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Steve Copan. The Market Matrix Course (3 CD) - Rp. 25.000 2. Andrew Keene. Unusual Options Activity Master Course (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 3. Buff Dormeier. New Volume Analysis - Tactics for Spotting Winning (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Harry Boxer. Profitable Day Swing Trading - Using PriceVolume Surges and Pattern Recognition to Catch Big Moves in the Stock Market (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Raghee Horner. Advanced Trend Trading (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 6. Syl Desaulniers. Fibonacci Analysis Secrets (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. A Guide to Creating A Successful Algorithmic Trading Strategy. by Perry J. Kaufman 2. Finding Alphas: A Quantitative Approach to Building Trading Strategies. by Igor Tulchinsky 3. Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market. by Oliver L. Velez 4. Tensile Trading: The 10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery. by Gatis N. Roze 5. The Traders Pendulum: The 10 Habits of Highly Successful Traders. by Jody Samuels Spoiler for list item baru JULI 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Chris Mathews: The Traders Mindset Course - Rp. 20.000 2. Andrew Keene. Trading with the Ichimoku Cloud Technical Indicator (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 3. Jim Martens. Elliott Waves Forex - How to Tune Out the quotNoisequot and Focus on What Really Drives Markets (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Ken Calhoun. Trade Mapping (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 5. Marty Kearney. Ratio Call Spreads - Leverage Profits from Long Stock Positions (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Steve Nison. Profit and Protection in a Down Market (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. All About Day Trading. by Jake Bernstein 2. Candlestick Charting Demystified. by Wayne A. Corbitt 3. Diary of a Hedge Fund Manager: From the Top, to the Bottom, and Back Again. by Keith McCullough 4. Fusion Analysis: Merging Fundamental and Technical Analysis for Risk-Adjusted Excess Returns. by V. John Palicka 5. Trading Price Action Trading Ranges: Technical Analysis of Price Charts Bar by Bar for the Serious Trader. by Al Brooks Spoiler for list item baru AGUSTUS 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Kathy Lien. How to Trade Forex Spot, Futures, Options, ETFs Rp. 15.000 2. Charles Kirkpatrick. What to Buy and When to Sell - Technical Strategies for Selecting High Performance Stocks (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Jake Bernstein. Two Easy But Powerful Ways to Day Trade (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Jon Markman. Swing Trading Essentials (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Toni Hansen. 3 Signs of Trend Exhaustion (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. TSU - Advanced Option Strategies (8 DVD) - Rp. 135.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Charting Made Simple: A Beginners Guide to Technical Analysis. by Roger Kinsky 2. Even Buffett Isnt Perfect: What You Can--and Cant--Learn from the Worlds Greatest Investor. by Vahan Janjigian 3. The Gartley Trading Method: New Techniques To Profit from the Markets Most Powerful Formation. by Ross Beck 4. The Master Trader: Birinyis Secrets to Understanding the Market. by Laszlo Birinyi 5. Trading Binary Options: Strategies and Tactics 2nd Edition. by Abe Cofnas Spoiler for list item baru SEPTEMBER 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Jeff Swanson: System Development Master Class Rp. 25.000 2. Anne-Marie Baiynd. Mastering the Use of Stochastics (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. John Ehlers. Effectively Trading the Stochastic Market Structure (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Kathy Lien. Secret to Trading Forex Market Session (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Kerry Given. Adjusting the Iron Condor (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Steve Nison. Active Portfolio Management (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 7. Steven Primo-7 Secrets Of Money Management (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Day Trading Stocks the Wall Street Way: A Proprietary Method For Intra-Day and Swing Trading. by Roger Kinsky 2. Equity Markets and Portfolio Analysis. by R. Stafford Johnson 3. Pivots, Patterns Intraday Swing Trades. Derivatives Analysis with the E-mini and Russell Futures Contracts. by M. William Scheier 4. Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications. by John J. Murphy 5. The Ultimate Algorithmic Trading System Toolbox: Using Todays Technology To Help You Become A Better Trader. by George Pruitt Spoiler for list item baru OKTOBER 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Top Gun Options. Options Webinar All Levels - Rp. 20.000 2. Andrew Keene. Trading Earnings for Profit (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 3. Martin Pring. Profiting from the Special K Indicator (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Serge Berger. Candlesticks for Swing Trading - Profit from Market Moves (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Traders Coach. Optimum Trading Psychology (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 6. Trading Markets. Introduction to AmiBroker Programming (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Chart Patterns. After the Buy, by Thomas Bulkowski 2. Fundamental Analysis For Dummies, by Matt Krantz 3. Successful Stock Signals for Traders and Portfolio Managers: Integrating Technical Analysis with Fundamentals to Improve Performance, by Tom K. Lloyd, Sr. 4. The Big Trade. Simple Strategies for Maximum Market Returns, by Peter Pham 5. The Wiley Trading Guide, by Wiley Spoiler for list item baru NOVEMBER 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Cyber Trading University. Master Stock Trading Course - Rp. 20.000 2. Arthur Hill. Creating and Executing a Momentum Trading System 401 DVD41 - Rp. 17.500 3. Jay Kaeppel. Profitable Seasonal Options Trades - Secrets to Spot Actionable Trends (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Trading Markets. Professional Day Trading for Success Program (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 5. TSU. Bollinger Bands Essentials (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 6. Wyckoff Analytics. Setting Price Targets Using Wyckoff Point and Figure Projections (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Finding 1 Stocks: Screening, Backtesting and Time-Proven Strategies, by Kevin Matras 2. Market Masters: Interviews with Canadas Top Investors - Proven Investing Strategies You Can Apply, by Robin R. Speziale 3. The Profitable Art and Science of Vibratrading: Non-Directional Vibrational Trading Methodologies for Consistent Profits, by Mark Andrew Lim 4. The Wiley Trading Guide, Volume II, by Wiley 5. Trading and Hedging with Agricultural Futures and Options, by James Bittman Spoiler for list item baru DESEMBER 2016 DVDCourse : 1. Sang Lucci. Options Master Class with Bryan Weiner - Rp. 20.000 2. Forex Mentor. The Ultimate Divergence Trading Course (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 3. Investor Bussiness Daily. IPO Trading Strategies Home Study Program (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 4. Rob Roy. Profit Regardless of Market Direction using the Option Axiom Rules (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Steve Nison. Trading Volatile Market (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Trading Markets. Amibroker Advanced Course (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Full View Integrated Technical Analysis: A Systematic Approach to Active Stock Market Investing, by Xin Xie 2. Harmonic Elliott Wave: The Case for Modification of R. N. Elliotts Impulsive Wave Structure, by Ian Copsey 3. Technical Analysis and Chart Interpretations: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Established Trading Tactics for Ultimate Profit, by Ed Ponsi 4. Trading Plans Made Simple: A Beginners Guide to Planning for Trading Success, by Davin Clarke Jacqueline Clarke 5. Trading Secrets: Killer Trading Strategies to Beat the Markets and Finally Achieve the Success You Deserve, by Louise Bedford Update 2010 amp 2011 Spoiler for list item baru DESEMBER DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Game Plan of A Winning Trader - Rp. 10.000 2. Liverpool Derivatives Group. Speculating with Futures and Traditional Commodities (2 CD ) - Rp. 20.000 3. Tradeguider - Chart Reading Master Class - Rp. 15.000 4. Bill Williams. Chaos - The New Map for Trader Rp. 17.500 5. Bob Prechter and Dave Allman. Elliott Wave Educational Video Series (10 DVD) - Rp. 150.000 6. Kenneth G. Tower. Introduction to Point Figure Candle Charts - Rp. 17.500 7. Pristine. Paul Lange - Seven Steps to a Good Trade - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. DeMark Indicators 2. Getting Started in ETF 3. Mastering The Art of Equity Trading through Simulation. The TraderEX Course 4. Time Compression Trading. Exploiting Multiple Time Frames in Zero Sum Markets 5. The ETF Handbook. How to Value and Trade Exchange Traded Funds 6. The Disciplined Trader. Developing Winning Attitudes Spoiler for list item baru NOVEMBER DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Fast Track to Forex - Everything You Need to Know to Start Trading Forex - Rp. 10.000 2. Gecko. 10 Steps To a Successful Trade - Rp. 12.500 3. Trading The Pristine Method 2 (2 CD) - Rp. 25.000 4. Bill Williams. Should You Trade (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Steve Nison. Candle Charting Essentials Beyond (8 DVD) - Rp. 125.000 6. Todd Krueger. Wyckoff Candle Volume Analysis (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 7. Toni Hansen. Maximum Gain from Every Trade (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Getting Started in Currency Trading - Winning in Today039s Forex Market 2. The Definitive Guide to Point and Figure - A Comprehensive Guide to The Theory Practical Use of The Point and Figure Charting Method 3. The Master Swing Trader Toolkit - The Market Survival Guide 4. Trade Like an O039Neil Disciple - How We Made 18,000 int The Stock Market 5. Trading Option Greeks - How Time, Volatility, and Other Pricing Factors Drive Profit 6. Volatility Illuminated - Empowering Forex, Stocks, Options Futures Traders Spoiler for list item baru OKTOBER DVDCourse : 1. Bill Poulous. Market mastery - Rp. 40.000 2. Forex Mentor. Top 20 Killer Trader Mistakes - Rp. 12.500 3. Gecko. Indicator Course - Rp. 12.500 4. John Bollinger. The Essentials (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. John Bollinger. The Advanced Topics (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Lawrence McMillan. Reducing the Risk of Option Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Ralph J. Acampora. Introduction to Technical Analysis (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Timothy Sykes. Read SEC Filings (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 9. Todd Krueger. Wyckoff Volume Analysis (3 DVD) - Rp. 55.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. A Maniac Commodity Trader039s Guide To Making A Fortune - A-Not-So-Crazy Roadmap to Riches 2. Integrated Pitchfork Analysis - Basic to Intermediate Level 3. Making Money in Forex - Trade Like a Pro Without Giving Up Your Day Job 4. Option Strategies for Directionless Markets - Trading with Butterfiles, Iron Butterflies, and Condors 5. The Business of Value Investing - Six Essential Elements to Buying Companies Like Warren Buffett 6. Trading with Ichimoku Clouds Spoiler for list item baru SEPTEMBER DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor - Forex profits with MACD - Rp. 12.500 2. Gecko - Common Sense Commodities Course - Rp. 12.500 3. Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trader (10 CD) - Rp. 100.000 4. SC Magazine on DVD Version 11.26 - Rp. 15.000 5. Bill Williams - The Practical Fractal (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Pristine - Mastering Candlestik Charts (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 7. Russell Sands - The Original Turtle Trading Rules (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Timothy Sykes - TIMfundamentals Part Deux (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Chart Your Way To Profits - The Online Trader039s Guide to Technical Analysis with ProphetCharts 2. How to Choose Winning Stocks - Rewriting Formula for Investment 3. The Ed Ponsi Forex Playbook - Strategies and Trade Set-Ups 4. Sentiment Indicators - Renko, Price Break, Kagi, Point and Figure What They Are and How to Use Them to Trade 5. The Handbook of Trading - Strategies for Navigating and Profiting from Currency, Bond, and Stock Markets 6. The Option Trader Handbook - Strategies and Trade Adjustments 7. The Secret Code of Japanese Candlestick Spoiler for list item baru AGUSTUS DVDCourse : 1. Ed Downs - The Power of Fulcrums - Rp. 12.500 2. Elliot Wave - 5 Options Strategies Every Elliott Wave Trader Should Know - Rp. 12.500 3. Forex Mentor - The Ultimate Forex Trading Series - Rp. 25.000 4. John Murphy - Visual Investing (Audio Manual) - Rp. 10.000 5. Bill McLaren - Trading the Fast Moves for Maximum Profit (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. David Nassar - Foundational Analysis. Selecting Winning Stocks(1 DVD - Rp. 17.500 7. Ken Calhoun - Forex on Fire (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 8. Timothy Sykes - TIMtactics (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. AbleTrend - Identifying Analyzing Market Trends for Trading Success 2. Full of Bull - Do What Wall Street Does, Not What It Says, To Make Money in the Market 3. iMoney - Profitable ETF Strategies for Every Investor 4. Stock Market Cycles - A Practical Explanation 5. The Options Trading Body of Knowledge - The Definitive Source for Information About the Options Industry 6. The Quarters Theory - The Revolutionary New Foreign Currencies Trading Method 7. The Worlds of Hedge Funds - Characteristic and Analysis 8. Trading Day by Day - Winning The Zero-Sum Game of Futures 9. Trend Following (Updated Edition) - Learn to Make Millions in Up or Down Markets 10. Value Investing For Dummies Spoiler for list item baru JULI 2010 DVDCD : 1. Forex Mentor - Forex Profits with COT - Rp. 12.500 2. Jeff Cooper - Intra-Day Trading Strategies (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. John Carter - Forex Online Trading Seminar - Rp. 12.500 4. John Carter Hubert Senters. How we trade for a living - Rp. 12.500 5. Myles Wilson Walker. Master Time Factor (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Timothy Sykes - TIMfundamentals (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 6. Woodies CCI Club (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Breakthroughs in Technical Analysis - New Thinking from The World039s Top Minds 2. Fibonacci Analysis 3. High-Frequency Trading - A Practical Guide to Algorithmic Strategies and Trading Systems 4. The Mental Strategies of Top Traders - The Psychological Determinants of Trading Success 5. The Volatility Edge in Options Trading Spoiler for list item baru JUNI 2010 DVDCD : 1. Andrew Cardwell - RSI Course Complete (Audio Manual) - Rp. 50.000 2. Forex Mentor - Peter Bain Best Of AM Review Volume 2 (4 CD) - Rp. 40.500 3. Forex Mentor - Understanding Global Fundamental - Rp. 12.500 4. Jeff Cooper - Seven Set-ups that Consistently Make Money (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Random Walk - Options Professional (5 DVD) - Rp. 80.000 6. Trade Guider - How to Pick Stock That Ready to Move - Rp. 17.500 7. Timothy Sykes - Shortstocking (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Advanced Options Trading - Approaches, Tools, and Techniques for Professionals Traders 2. Commodity Options - Trading and Hedging Volatility in the World039s Most Lucrative Market 3. How the Stock Market Works - A Beginner039s Guide to Investment 4. The Aggressive Conservative Investor 5. Winning Edge Trading - Successful and Profitable Short and Long-Term Systems and Strategies Spoiler for list item baru JULI 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Aussie Rob039s Option Simplicity Home Study Course CD - Rp. 20.000 2. Dynamic Trend Trading. Advanced System - Rp. 10.000 3. Forex Mentor. Fibonacci Swing Trader - Rp. 15.000 4. Fred Schutzman. Developing Profitable Trading Systems from Discretionary to Mechanical (Audio Manual) - Rp. 10.000 5. Bill McLaren. Time Factor (2 DVD)- Rp. 35.000 6. Greg Michalowski. When Is It Safe to Trade Against the Trend in the Forex Market (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Jeffrey Kennedy. The Wave Principle Applied - How to Spot a Pattern You Recognize and Put Your Trading Plan into Action (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Howard Gold. Fundamental Analysis: A to Z (1 VCD) - Rp. 12.500 9. Optionetics. Futures and Commodities Home Study Course (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 10. Pristine. Precision Trading on Company News with Dan Gibby (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 11. Steve Lentz. Trading Technical Analysis Signals with Option Spreads (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Dividends Still Don039t Lie. The Truth About Investing in Blue Chip Stocks and Winning in the Stock Market, by Kelley Wright 2. Getting Started in Chart Pattern, by Thomas N. Bulkowski 3. Increasing Alpha with Options. Trading Strategies Using Technical Analysis and Market Indicators, by Scott H. Fullman 4. The Myth of the Rational Market. A History of Risk, Reward Delusion on Wall Street, by Justin Fox 5. Trade The Trader. Know Your Competition Find Your Edge for Profitable Trading, by Quint Tatro 6. Trading Futures For Dummies, by Joe Duarte Spoiler for list item baru JUNI 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Forex Master Blueprint - Rp. 15.000 2. Options University. Retire Rich Seminar - Rp. 15.000 3. Robert Krausz. Advanced Symmetrics Mental Harmonics Course (Audio Manual) Rp. 10.000 4. Better Trades. Spread The Wealth (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Bill McLaren. Foundation for Successful Trading (2 DVD)- Rp. 35.000 6. Greg Michalowski. The Retail Forex Trader039s Most Common Trading Mistakes and How to Avoid Them (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. John Hill. How To Evaluate System 401 DVD41 - Rp. 17.500 8. Ken Chow. SuperStructure Trading - Profit by Aligning Price Time (5 DVD) - Rp.80.000 9. Ross Jardine. Options Strategies for Consistent Income (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange. A Guaranteed Income for Life, by Courtney D. Smith 2. Microsoft Excel for Stock Option Traders. Build Your Own Analytical Tools for Higher Returns, by Jeff Augen 3. The 5 Keys to Value Investing, by J. Dennis Jean-Jacques 4. The Alpha Hunter. Profiting from Option LEAPS, by Jason Schwarz 5. The Encylopedia of Technical Market Indicators, by Robert W. Colby 6. Trading Realities. The Truth, the Lies, and the Hype In-Between, by Jeff Augen Spoiler for list item baru MEI 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. The Tactical FX Trend Trading Strategies - Rp. 15.000 2. Hector deVille. Learn Forex Live Power Course - Rp. 75.000 3. Ryan Jones. Options for Profit Course (Audio Manual) Rp. 10.000 4. Christopher Terry. You are Gladiator - The Trader039s Power of Positive Thinking (1 VCD) - Rp. 12.500 5. Martin Pring: Getting New Insights From Old Indicators (1 DVD)- Rp. 17.500 6. Marty Kearney. Leaps Trading Strategies - Powerful Techniques for Options Trading Success (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Merlin Rohfeld. How to Be Part of the 7 of Traders Who Succeed (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Michael Parsons. Channel Surfing(3 DVD) - Rp.52.500 9. Todd Krueger. SupportResistance Techniques of Professional Traders (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. 101 Option Trading Secrets 2. Candlestick Charting Explained. Timeless Techniques for Trading Stocks and Futures 3. Channel Surfing. Riding the Waves of Channels to Profitable Trading 4. Forex Trading Using Intermarket Analysis. Discovering Hidden Market Relationships That Provide Early Clues for Price Direction 5. Futures and Options for Dummies 6. Support Resistance Simplified Spoiler for list item baru APRIL 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Bob Koppel Howard Abell. The Day Trader039s Advantage Mastering the Psychology Strategy of Effective Short-Term Trading (Audio Manual)- Rp. 10.000 2. Forex Commander. The Dynamic Gap System - Rp. 10.000 3. Forex Mentor. Forex Money Makers Rp. 10.000 4. Paul Lemal. Bonsai Elite Wavetrader Trading Course Video Training Series - Rp. 75.000 5. Darlene Nelson Powell. Trading the Q039s 2010 Edition (6 DVD)- Rp. 100.000 6. Jake Bernstein. Catching the Big Moves (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. John Person DVD Series (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 8. Marc Gerstein. A 4-step System for Screening the Markets - Integrating Technical Timing with Fundamental Indicators for Superior Stock Selection(3 DVD) - Rp.17.500 9. Mike McMahon. Kiss Stress Goodbye (1 VCD) - Rp. 12.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Market Timing For Dummies 2. Mastering Technical Analysis. Using The Tools of Technical Analysis for Profitable Trading 3. Profiting with Iron Condor Options. Strategies from The Frontline for Trading in Up or Down Markets 4. The Art of Contrarian Trading. How to Profit from Crowd Behavior in the Financial Markets 5. The Fundamental Index:- A Better Way to Invest 6. Trading as Business Spoiler for list item baru MARET 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Astrology for Gann Traders. Beginner Level - Rp. 15.000 2. Astrology for Gann Traders. Intermediate Course - Rp. 15.000 3. Forex Mentor. Mastering The Power of Metatrader 4 in 90 Minutes Rp. 10.000 4. Steve Nison. Candlestick Charting Basic - Spotting the Early Reversals - Rp. 10.000 5. Van Tharp. Psychology of Trading Series (Audio Manual)- Rp. 50.000 6. Alexander Elder. Teach Yourself to Become a Better Trader (1VCD) - Rp. 12.500 7. Better Trades. Foundation Fundementals (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 8. Carolyn Boroden. A-Z Fibonacci Analysis DVD (3 DVD) - Rp.52.500 9. Jack Schwager. Market Wizard Insights (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 10. Rob Booker. The Vortex Trade: Step-by-Step Countertrend Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 11. Tony Saliba. Advanced Real World Options Strategies for the Advanced Retail Trader (5 DVD) - Rp. 80.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Commodity Trader039s Almanac 2011 - For Active Traders of Futures, Forex, Stocks ETFs 2. Essentials of Foreign Exchange Trading, by James Chen 3. Stock Trader039s Almanac 2011 4. The Investopedia Guide to Wall Speak - The terms you need to know to talk like Cramer, think like Soros, and buy like Buffet 5. The New Market Wizards. Conversation with America039s Top Trader, by Jack Schwager 6. Trading with Di Napoli Levels. The Practical Application of Fibonacci Analysis to Investment Markets, ny Joe DiNapoli Spoiler for list item baru FEBRUARI 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. The London Close Trade - Rp. 10.000 2. Hector DeVille. Learn Forex Live Home Study Course - Rp. 25.000 3. Mark Douglas. The Dynamics of a Trader039s Mindset (Audio Manual) Rp. 10.000 4. Ryan Jones - Self-Destructing Trader Audio Course (Audio) - Rp. 15.000 5. Joe DiNapoli Merrick Okamoto. DiNapoli Levels Video Training Course - Supercharge Your Day Position Trading (3 DVD)- Rp. 45.000 6. John Crane. Time, Price Pattern (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. John Person. The Art of Candlestick Charting (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Larry McMillan. Spotting and Trading Takeover Rumors (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 9. Martin Pring. The Complete Technical Analysis Course (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 10. Pristine. Creating The Ultimate Trading Investing Psychology by Tom Willard (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Confidence Game. How a Hedge Fund Manager Called Wall Street039s Bluff 2. Option Trading. Pricing Volatility Strategies and Techniques 3. Stock Profits. Getting to the Core--New Fundamentals for a New Age 4. Trading and Investing in the Forex Markets Using Chart Techniques 5. Trading with Candlesticks. Visual Tools for Improved Technical Analysis and Timing 6. Winning With Futures. The Smart Way to Recognize Opportunities, Calculate Risk, and Maximize Profits Spoiler for list item baru JANUARI 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Bill Poulos. Forex Profit Multiplier - Rp. 50.000 2. Forex Mentor. A Working Mans Position Trading System 402 CD 41 - Rp. 20.000 3. Mark Douglas. Finding and Maintaining Your Personal Trading (Audio) - Rp. 10.000 4. Nicolas Darvas Trading Secrets Rp. 15.000 5. Alexander Elder. MACD MACD-Histogram (1 DVD) - Rp. 15.000 6. Alexander Elder. RSI - Relative Strength Index (1 DVD) - Rp. 15.000 7. Alexander Elder. WilliamsR (1 DVD) - Rp. 15.000 8. David Bowden. Safety in The Market - Starter Pack (2 DVD)- Rp. 35.000 9. Investor Bussiness Daily. IBD Level I Investing Workshop (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 10. John Crane. Advanced Swing Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 11. Larry McMillan. Options Trading Made Easy (1 VCD) - Rp. 12.500 12. Philip Roth. Volume, Trend and Momentum (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 13. Pristine. Trading the Futures Markets Using Just Two Powerful Concepts to Unlock Profits Daily by Kurt Capra (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. ADXcellence. Power Trend Strategies 2. Coulda Woulda Shoulda 3. Forex Trading Secrets. Trading Strategies for the Forex Market 4. High Performance Trading. 35 Practical Strategies and Techniques To Enhance Your Trading Psychology and Performance 5. Precision Trading with Stevenson Price and Time Targets 6. The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing. Morningstar039s Guide to Building Wealth Winning in The Market Update 2011 Part 2 Spoiler for list item baru DESEMBER 2011 DVDCourse : 1. DiscoverOptions. Level 2 Option Mentoring Course - Rp. 20.000 2. Forex Mentor. How to Trade FX Using Support Resistance Levels - Rp. 15.000 3. Kevin Hagerty. Trading With The Generals (5 CD)- Rp. 60.000 4. Daniel Hwang. Central Banks on the Front Line - How the World039s Major Central Banks Deal with External Risk Events and What It Could Mean for Forex Traders (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Jea Yu. Short-Term Profit Hunter (1 DVD)- Rp. 17.500 6. Larry McMillan. Protect and Profit with Volatility Derivatives (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Mark Douglas. Mental Toughness - How To Think Your Way To Consistent Results (7DVD) - Rp. 120.000 8. Winning on Wall Street. Creating Success in The Stock Market (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Elliott Wave Simplified. by Clif Droke 2. Ichimoku Charts. An Introduction to Ichimoku Kinko Clouds, by Nicole Elliott 3. Micro-Trend Trading for Daily Income. Using Intraday Trading Tactics to Harness the Power of Todays Volatile Markets, by Thomas K. Carr 4. Protective Options Strategies. Married Puts Collar Spreads, by Michael Chupka Ernie Zerenner 5. Simple Steps to Trading Discipline. Increasing Profits with Habits You Already Have. by Toni Hansen 6. The Forex Mindset. The Skills and Winning Attitude You Need for More Profitable Forex Trading, by Jared Martinez Ebooks Scan (per title Rp. 2.500) : 1. Donald Trivette - A Professional Look at SP Day Trading 2. Humphrey Lloyd - Trading SP Futures Options. A Survival Manual Study Guide 3. Larry Pesavento - Essentials of Trading. It039s Not WHAT You Think It039s HOW You Think 4. Scott M. Carney - The Harmonic Trader Spoiler for list item baru NOVEMBER 2011 DVDCourse : 1. DiscoverOptions. Level 1 Option Mentoring Course - Rp. 20.000 2. Forex Mentor. Psychology and Risk of Institutional Traders - Rp. 15.000 3. Trade Guider. VSA Getting Started Course - Rp. 10.000 4. Chris Carolan. 3 Technical Indicators to Help You Ride the Elliott Wave Trend (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Darlene Nelson. Forty Cents to Financial Freedom (6 DVD)- Rp. 100.000 6. John Person. Forex Conquered (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 7. Steve Palmquist. Proven Candlestick Patterns (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Steve Ward. High Performance Trading - Nine Practical Strategies to Maximise Your Profitability (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 9. Toni Turner. A Beginners Guide to Short Selling (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Forex Simplified, by Marilyn McDonald 2. Hedge Funds Humbled. The 7 Mistakes That Brought Hedge Funds to Their Knees and How They Will Rise Again, by Trevor Ganshaw 3. Iron Condor. Neutral Strategy for Uncommon Profit, by Michael Phillips Ernie Zerenner 4. Just a Trade A Day. Simple Ways to Profit from Predictable Market Moves, by Michael Jardine 5. Mind Over Market. Power Trading with Market Generated Information. by James F. Dalton 6. Money-Making Candlestick Patterns: Backtested for Proven Results, by Steve Palmquist Ebooks Scan (per title Rp. 2.500) : 1. Earik Beann - The Fibonacci Vortex Handbook 2. Jea Yu - Trading Full Circle. The Complete Underground Trader System 3. Joseph G. Nicholas - Market Neutral Investing. LongShort Hedge Fund Strategies 4. Scot Lowry - The Magic of Moving Averages Spoiler for list item baru OKTOBER 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. High Reward, Low Risk Forex Trading Strategies - Rp. 15.000 2. Cyber Trading University. Advanced Stock Trading Strategies (2 CD) - Rp. 25.000 3. Gary Anderson. The Janus Factor (Audio Manual) - Rp. 10.000 4. John Carter. Metals Webinar - Rp. 50.000 5. David Weis. Catching Trend Reversals (4 DVD)- Rp. 70.000 6. Gary Anderson. What Moves the Markets - How the Janus Factor Works(1 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 7. Greg Michalowski - Attacking the Trends by Anticipating the Trends (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Ryan Litchfield. Market Mindfields (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 9. Sid Woolfolk. Options Boot Camp 1 (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Attacking Currency Trends. How to Anticipate and Trade Big Moves in the Forex Market, by Greg Michalowski 2. Simple Steps to Option Trading Success. by Jim Graham Steve Lentz 3. The Financial Spread Betting Handbook. A guide to making money trading spread bets, by Malcolm Pryor 4. The Stock Market Philosopher. Insights of a Soviet-Born, New York-Bred Hedge Fund Trader, by Gennady Favel 5. Trading on Target. How to Cultivate a Winners State of Mind. by Adrienne Toghraie 6. Trading Tools and Tactics. Reading the Mind of the Market, by Greg Capra Ebooks Scan (per title Rp. 2.500) : 1. L. Dee Belveal - Charting Commodity Market Price Behavior 2. Robert Balan - Elliott Wave Principle. Applied to The Foreign Exchange Market 3. Ruth Barrons Roosevelt - Exceptional Trading. the Mind game 4. William Blau - Momentum, Direction and Divergence Spoiler for list item baru AGUSTUS 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Optimal Trade Entry Position Management - Rp. 10.000 2. Perry Kaufman. Developing a Multiple-Strategy Trading Program (Audio Manual) - Rp. 10.000 3. Toni Hansen. Mastering Momentum Gaps - Rp. 15.000 4. Wave59. Power Users Conference 2011 - Rp. 50.000 5. Allan Ellman. Cashing in on Covered Calls - Basic Course (2 DVD)- Rp. 35.000 6. Joe Burns. The Best of Technical and Fundamental Analysis (1 VCD) - Rp. 12.500 7. John Bollinger. Bollinger Band Forex (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. John Murphy. Intermarket Analysis (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 9. Mark Douglas. How To Think Like a Professional Trader (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 10. Pristine. Creating a Profitable Trading Investing Plan by Ron Wagner (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 11. Bob Prechter. Implication of the Wave Principle for Technical Analysis (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 12. Tom DeMark. Identifying Low-Risk Trading Opportunities (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Commodities for Every Portfolio: How You Can Profit from Long-Term Commodity Boom, by Emanuel Balarie 2. Day Trading Options. Profiting from Price Distortions in Very Brief Time Frames, by Jeff Augen 3. Investing with Volume Analysis. Identify, Follow and Profit from Trends, by Buff Dormeier 4. Technical Analysis For Dummies, by Barbara Rockefeller 5. Trend Commandments. Trading for Exceptional Returns, by Michael W. Covel 6. Value Averaging. The Safe and Easy Strategy for Higher Invesment Returns, by Michael E. Edleson Ebooks Scan (per title Rp. 2.500) : 1. Attacking Currency Trend. How to Anticipate Trade Big Moves in The Forex Market, by Greg Michalowski 2. The Four Cardinal Principles of Trading. How the World039s Top Traders Identify Trends, Cut Losses, Maximize Profits Manage Risk, by Bruce Babcock 3. Three Point Reversal Method of Point Figure Stock Market Trading, by A. W.Cohen 4. Trader Vic II. Principles of Professional Speculation, by Victor Sperandeo Spoiler for list item baru SEPTEMBER 2011 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Fibonacci Swing Trader V2.0 - Rp. 20.000 2. John Carter. Market Internals Online Trading Seminar CD - Rp. 15.000 3. Max Ansbacher. Developing Your Own Options Trading Strategy (Audio Manual) - Rp. 10.000 4. Barry Rudd. Stock Patterns for Day Trading Home Study Course (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 5. Larry McMillan. Using Option Data as a Forecasting Tool (1 DVD)- Rp. 17.500 6. Martin Cole. Market Maker Manipulation (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 7. Stephen Bigalow. Successful Commodity Trading Techniques (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Steve Nison. Japanese Candle Charting - Advanced CMT (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 9. Toni Turner. How to Trade and Invest with ETFs (1 VCD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Mastering Market Timing. Using the Works of L. M. Lowry and R. D. Wyckoff to Identify Key Market Turning Points, by Richard A. Dickson Tracy L. Knudsen 2. Stop Orders. A Practical Guide to Using Stop Orders for Traders and Investors, by Tony Loton 3. The Conscious Investor. Profiting from the Timeless Value Approach, by John Price 4. The Four Biggest Mistakes in Futures Trading, by Jay Kaeppel 5. The High Frequency Game Changer. How Automated Trading Strategies Have Revolutionized the Markets, by Paul Zubulake Sang Lee 6. Trading Options For Dummies, by George Fontanills Ebooks Scan (per title Rp. 2.500) : 1. Brian Schad - The 3 Dimensional Trading Breakthrough. A Definitive Method for Enhancing Profit and Minimizing Loss 2. David Bowden - The No 1 Trading Plan 3. John Boik - Lessons from the Greatest Stock Traders of all Time 4. John Boik - Monster Stocks. How They Set Up, Run Up, Top Make You Money LIST UPDATE 2013 Spoiler for list item baru JANUARI 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Cyber Trading University. Tradable and Non-Tradable Stocks - Rp. 15.000 2. Forex4Noobs. NickB Method - Advanced Price Action Analysis - Rp. 20.000 3. Van Tharp. The ABCs of Trading - Rp. 15.000 4. Al Brooks. Price Action Trading Course (8 DVD) - Rp. 125.000 5. Chris Tevere. The Critical Element Most Forex Traders Lack: Time (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Mark Deaton. Bollinger Band Timer System 401 DVD41 - Rp. 17.500 7. Mark Espy. Trade the Cycle - Systematically Build Wealth with Options (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Pristine. Trading the Index E-minis for Consistent Profits by Kurt Capra (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. An Introduction to Algorithmic Trading. Basic to Advanced Strategies, by Edward A Leshik Jane Cralle 2. Automated Option Trading. Create, Optimize, and Test Automated Trading Systems, by Sergey Izraylevich Vadim Tsudikman 3. Building Winning Trading Systems with TradeStation, by George Pruitt John R. Hill 4. Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional. Strategies Techniques for Todays Turbulent Global Financial Markets, by Constance Brown 5. The Universal Principles of Successful Trading. Essential Knowledge for All Traders in All Markets, by Brent Penfold Spoiler for list item baru FEBRUARI 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Cyber Trading University. Mirror the Market Makers - Rp. 15.000 2. Jaime Johnson. NOBSFX Course - Rp. 20.000 3. Toni Hansen. The Top 3 Strategies Youve been taught that will lose you money - Rp. 15.000 4. Dan Vascu. How to Use Heikin-Ashi Trend Technique to Dramatically Improve Your Trading Results (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Deron Wagner. My Top Three Stock and ETF Swing Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. John Hill. Trading System Building Blocks - Proven Practices to Build, Test and Profit with Winning Trading Systems (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Markay Latimer. Squeeze The Market (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 8. Pristine. Techniques To Perfect Your Trading In All Time Frame by Ron Wagner (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 9. Steve Nison. Frontline Forex - Key Candlestick Strategies for Profitable FX Trades(4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Moving Average Simplified, by Clif Droke 2. The Four Biggest Mistakes in Option Trading. by Jay Kaeppel 3. The Little Book of Bulletproof Investing. Dos and Donts to Protect YourFinancial Life, by Ben Stein Phil DeMuth 4. Timing Solutions for Swing Traders: Successful Trading Using Technical Analysis Financial Astrology, by Robert T. H Lee Peter A. Tyrde 5. Trend Trading Set-Ups. Entering and Exiting Trends for Maximum Profit, by L. A. Little Spoiler for list item baru MARET 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Chris Capre. Advanced Price Action Course - Rp. 15.000 2. Cyber Trading University. Charting Strategies - Rp. 15.000 3. Netpicks. The Ultimate Trading Machine System Course (6 CD) - Rp. 75.000 4. Jeffrey Ziegler. Credit Spread Trading Made Simple (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 5. Pristine. Creating A Trading Plan by Paul Lange (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Richard W. Arms. The New Arms Index Course (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Stuart McPhee. How to Develop an FX Trading Strategy (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Wizetrade. Wizecoach Boot Camp (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Invest Like a Shark, by James DePorre 2. Reading Price Charts Bar by Bar. The Technical Analysis of Price Action for the Serious Trader. by Al Brooks 3. The Insider Edge. How to Follow the Insiders for Windfall Profits. by Guy Cohen 4. The Janus Factor. Trend Followers Guide to Market Dialectics, by Gary Anderson 5. The Three Secrets to Trading Momentum Indicators, by David Penn Spoiler for list item baru APRIL 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Canonbury Publishing. Financial Fixed Odds Profits Course - Rp. 50.000 2. Forex Mentor. The 3-Screen MACD Histogram Trade - Rp. 15.000 3. Van Tharp. Introduction to Position Sizing Strategies - Rp. 15.000 4. Garry Dayton. Fear No Longer - How to Finally Take Control of The Mental Side of The Game (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Jack Schwager. Market Myths and How to Beat Them - Calculated Ways to Beat Top Mistakes for Profit (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Rockwell Trading Can You Make A Living With Trading (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 7. Steve Nison. Candlestick Secrets for Profiting in Options (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 8. Sylvain Vervoort. Ground-Breaking Band Indicators - Newly Discovered Tactics for Timing Profits (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. All About Market Indicators, by Michal Sincere 2. Broken Markets. How High Frequency Trading Predatory Practices on Wall Street Are Destroying Investor Confidence Your Portfolio. by Sal Arnuk 3. Super Trader, Expanded Edition: Make Consistent Profits in Good Bad Markets. by Van Tharp 4. The ETF Trend Following Playbook, by Tom Lydon 5. Traders at Work. How the Worlds Most Successful Traders Make Their Living in the Markets, by Tim Bourquin Spoiler for list item baru MEI 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Ezee Trader. Day Trading (4 CD) - Rp. 50.000 2. Forex Mentor. The 3-Screen EMA Paired Trade - Rp. 15.000 3. Top Dog Trading. Candlestick Patterns Made Simple - Rp. 15.000 4. Garry Kaltbaum Loren Fleckenstein. Intermediate-Term Trading Seminar (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 5. Jeff Cooper. The Holy Grail of Trading - Spot Profit with Opening Range Breakouts (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Larry McMillan Risk Management (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Trade The Market. Electronic Ags Trading Workshop (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Dont Blame the Shorts: Why Short Sellers Are Always Blamed for Market Crashes How History Is Repeating Itself, by Robert Sloan 2. Simple Profits from Swing Trading: The Underground Trader Swing Trading System. by Jea Yu 3. The 7 Chart Patterns that Consistently Make Money. by Ed Downs 4. The Art Science of Technical Analysis. Market Structure, Price Action and Trading Strategies, by Adam Grimes 5. The Option Traders Hedge Fund. A Business Framework for Trading Equity Index Options, by Tim Bourquin Spoiler for list item baru JUNI 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Ezee Trader. Momentum Trading (3 CD) - Rp. 35.000 2. Forex Mentor. The Directional Movement Trade - Rp. 15.000 3. Top Dog Trading. Advanced Price Patterns - Rp. 15.000 4. Alessio Rastani. The Ultimate Guide to Stock Investing (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Benjamin Lee. The Seven Killer Trading Mistakes That Stop You from Being Profitable (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Kathy Lien. EURUSD - Tips and Trading Strategies (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. John Person. Trading Triggers - The Secrets to Profitable Trading (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 8. Larry McMillan. Understanding and Trading VIX Options (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 9. Ryan Litchfield. Trading By Candlelite (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Buy and Hold Is Dead. How to Make Money and Control Risk in Any Market, by Thomas H Kee, Jr 2. Inside the Black Box. A Simple Guide to Quantitative and High-Frequency Trading, by Rishi K Narang 3. Interest Rate Markets. A Practical Approach to Fixed Income, by Siddhartha Jha 4. Technical Analysis from A to Z, by Steven B. Achelis 5. The Little Book of Commodity Investing, by John Stephenson Spoiler for list item baru JULI 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. The Pre-London Open Day Trade - Rp. 15.000 2. Hubert Senters. Trading Ambushes - A Plan for Identifying Trading Pullbacks - Rp. 15.000 3. Profit Strategies. Technical Analysis Home Study Trading Course - Rp. 25.000 4. Chris Rowes Internal Strength System 408 DVD41 - Rp. 125.000 5. David Nassar. Day Trading Smart Right From the Start - Trading Essentials for Maximum Results (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Stan Freifeld. Gamma Scalping in a Volatile Environment (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Todd Gordon. Finding Profits in Forex - Combining Elliott Wave and Fibonacci to Pinpoint Winning Trades (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 8. Toni Turner. Three Moving Average Combinations - How to Trade Them for Profits (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Maverick Trading. Professional Technique To Create Generational Wealth, by Darren Fischer 2. Naked Forex. High-Probability Techniques for Trading without Indicators, by Alex Nekritin Walter Peters 3. Stock Valuation. An Essential Guide to Wall Streets Most Popular Valuation Models, by Scott Hoover 4. The Online Trading Cookbook, by Alpesh B. Patel 5. Tools and Tactics for the Master Day Trader. Battle-Tested Techniques for Day, Swing, and Position Traders, by Oliver Velez LIST UPDATE 2013 Part 2 Spoiler for list item baru AGUSTUS 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Bennett McDowell. Tools of the Trade - Risk Management - Rp. 15.000 2. Ezeetrader. Forex Swing Trading - Rp. 50.000 3. Stock Market Institute. Wyckoff Course in Stock Market Science and Technique (Audio) - Rp. 20.000 4. Alessio Rastani. Master Class on Stock (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Chris Manning. Proven Chart Patterns - Key Indicators for Success in Todays Markets (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. David Elliott. Commodity Channel Index (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Jim Kenney. The Option Professor (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 8. Patrick Ceresna. Understanding the Intermarket Relationships in the Capital Markets (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. George Lindsay and The Art of Technical Analysis. Trading Systems of a Market Master, by Ed Carlson 2. High Probability Trading Strategies. Entry to Exit Tactics for the Forex, Futures, and Stock Markets, by Robert Miner 3. How The Trading Floor Really Work, by Terri Duhon 4. Options for Volatile Markets 2nd edition, by Richard Lehman 5. Trading Systems and Methods 5th edition, by Perry J Kaufman Spoiler for list item baru SEPTEMBER 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Mike Williams. Fear Greed Two Components for Investing Failure - Rp. 15.000 2. Scott Shubert. Trading Mastermind - Forex Trading Course - Rp. 50.000 3. Andy Chambers. Upside Trading Strategies - Using Options for High Profits with Low Risk (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Chris Lori. Building the Right Risk Model for Your Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Investor Bussiness Daily. IBD Home Study Level II - Intermediate Strategies for Successful Investing (4 DVD) - Rp.70.000 6. Stuart McPhee David Jenyns. Metastock Secret Seminars (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 7. Toni Hansen. Summer Trading Boot-Camp 2012 (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Algorithmic Trading. Winning Strategies and Their Rationale. by Ernie Chan 2. Mastering Elliott Wave Principle. Elementary Concepts, Wave Patterns, and Practice Exercises, by Constance Brown 3. Smarter Investing. Simpler Decisions for Better Results, by Tim Hale 4. Trading Options Greeks - 2nd edition, by Dan Passarelli 5. Volatility Indicator. Techniques for Profiting from the Markets Moves, by Jean Folger Lee Leibfarth Spoiler for list item baru OKTOBER 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Market Gauge. The Opening Range Trading Blueprint - Rp. 15.000 2. Larry Pesavento. Pattern Recognition Swing Trading - Rp. 50.000 3. Chris Lori. Getting Your Mind Right and Psychology of Risk (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Greg Michalowski. Trading Range-Bound Markets in Forex (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 5. Linda Raschke. When and How to Use Relative Strength (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 6. Ryan Litchfield. Full Credit Spreads (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 7. Sammy Chua. Level II Profit System 402 DVD41 - Rp. 35.000 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. ETF Trading Strategies Revealed, by David Vomund 2. Investing Strategies for the High Net-Worth Investor. Maximize Returns on Taxable Portfolios. by Niall Gannon 3. The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas, by Espen Gaarder Haug 4. The Little Book That Makes You Rich. A Proven Market-Beating Formula for Growth Investing, by Louis Navellier 5. Visual Guide to Elliott Wave, by Wayne Gorman Jeffrey Kennedy Spoiler for list item baru NOVEMBER 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Ezee Trader. The Application of Fibonnaci - Rp. 15.000 2. Mac X. Insider Code Forex Mastery Course (10 CD) - Rp. 75.000 3. Craig Weil. Trading Discipline - Secrets of a Professional Trader (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Kathy Lien. Battle Tested Forex Trading Strategies (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Kerry Given. The Dangerous Iron Condor (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 6. Markay latimer. Trend Trading My Way (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 7. Michael Parsons. Balance Dynamic (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Investing in Shares For Dummies, by Paul Mladjenovic David Stevenson 2. The Value and Momentum Trader. Dynamic Stock Selection Models to Beat the Market, by Grant Henning 3. Traders, Guns and Money. Knowns And Unknowns In The Dazzling World of Derivatives, by Satyajit Das 4. Trades About to Happen. A Modern Adaptation of the Wyckoff Method, by David H Weis 5. Visual Guide to Options, by Jared Levy Spoiler for list item baru DESEMBER 2013 DVDCourse : 1. Ezee Trader. Finer Points (4 CD) - Rp. 50.000 2. Keystone. Equity Trader 101 - Rp. 15.000 3. John Carter. 4-Day Professional Traders Workshop quotHow We Trade for a Livingquot (6 DVD) - Rp. 100.000 4. John Person. Candlesticks and Pivot Point Strategies (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. Kathy Lien. 3 Ways To Trade FX (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 6. Martin Pring. How to Profit From Sector Rotation Using ETFs - An Intermarket Analysis (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 7. Lee Lowell. Naked Put Selling - Acquiring Blue Chip Stocks and Creating Cash Flow (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Super Stocks, by Kenneth L. Fisher 2. The Little Book of Emerging Markets. How to Make Money in The Worlds Fastest Growing Markets, by Mark Mobius 3. Trading Options in Turbulent Markets. Master Uncertainty Through Active Volatility, by Larry Shover 4. Visual Guide to Candlestick Charting, by Michael C. Thomsett 5. Way of the Trade. Tactical Applications of Underground Trading Methods for Traders and Investors, by Jea Yu Update 2014 Spoiler for list item baru JANUARI 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Freedom Forex Formula - Rp. 15.000 2. Mark Deaton. Binary Options Genius - Rp. 15.000 3. Chuck Hughes. The Weekly Options Advantage - Your Secret for Simple High-Profit Trades (4 DVD) - Rp. 70.000 4. Chris Lori. Breaking Down Price Behavior in the FX Market (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 5. D. B. Vaello. Order Flow Analytics 5 Day Boot Camp (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 6. Jake Bernstein. 100 Rule Based Trading - The Key to Success (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. John Person. Trading Market Reversals - Proven Seasonality and Pivot Trading Tactics (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Algorithmic Trading DMA. An Introduction to Direct Access Trading Strategies, by Barry Johnson 2. Get Rich with Dividends. A Proven System for Earning Double Digit Returns, by Marc Lichtenfeld 3. Taming the Money Sharks. 8 Super-Easy Stock Investment Maxims, by Philip Shu-Ying Cheng 4. Trade Options Online, by George Fontanills 5. Trading with Intermarket Analysis. A Visual Approach to Beating the Financial Markets Using Exchange Traded Funds, by John Murphy Spoiler for list item baru FEBRUARI 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Rebellion - Rp. 15.000 2. Carley Garner. An Investing Crash Course in Commodities - Rp. 15.000 3. David Elliott. Moving Average Patterns (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. FXEvolve. Forex Trading Course 101 (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 5. Gary Dayton. Mastering the Wyckoff Method - Simple Ways to Leverage Market Response (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Investor Bussiness Daily. Chart School (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 7. Marty Kearney. A Complete Guide to Covered Calls - Manage Risk, Optimize Returns (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Investing with Intelligent ETFs. Strategies for Profiting from the New Breed of Securities, by Max Isaacman 2. Kirkpatricks Investment and Trading Strategies. Tools and Techniques for Profitable Trend Following, by Charles Kirkpatrick 3. Lessons from the Legends of Wall Street, by Nikki Ross 4. Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard. How to Achieve Superperformance in Stocks in Any Market, by Mark Minervini 5. Trading VIX Derivatives. Trading Hedging Strategies Using VIX Futures, Options, and Exchange-Traded Notes, by Russell Rhoads Spoiler for list item baru MARET 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. FXM TrendTrader - Rp. 20.000 2. Doug Sutton. Technical Analysis Made Easy (2 DVD) - Rp. 35.000 3. FXEvolve. Forex Trading Course 101 (5 DVD) - Rp. 85.000 4. Jea Yu. Extreme Profit from Volatility - Exploiting High Frequency Trade Patterns (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 5. Rob Roy. Power Channeling Using Options (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Tom Dorsey. Point and Figure Charting (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1.Active Management. Profitable Strategies for Todays Investment Climate, by Robert N. Stein 2. Keene on the Market. Trade to Win Using Unusual Options Activity, Volatility Earnings, by Andrew Keene 3. Trade the Patterns. The Revolutionary Way of Trading the CCI, by Ken Wood 4. Trading ETFs. Gaining An Edge with Technical Analysis, by Deron Wagner 5. Winning Method of The Market Wizard, by Jack Schwager Spoiler for list item baru APRIL 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Don Fishback. Proven Option Trades: Repeatable Profits From Tested Patterns (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 2. Doug Sutton. Sector Analysis Made Easy (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Investor Bussiness Daily. Short Selling (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. James Dalton - Fields of Vision (4 DVD) - Rp.70.000 5. Price Headley. Williams R The BigTrends Way (3 DVD) - Rp. 52.500 6. Rob Booker. Trading Divergence the Simple Way (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Steve Nison. Trade Management (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. C for Financial Markets, by Daniel J. Duffy Andrea Germani 2. Fooling Some of the People All of the Time. A Long Short Story. by David Einhorn 3. Insider Trading. Global Developments and Analysis, by Paul U. Ali, Greg N. Gregoriou 4. Professional Automated Trading. Theory and Practice. by Eugene A. Durenard 5. Trading the Measured Move. A Path to Trading Success in a World of Algos and High-Frequency Trading, by David M. Halsey Spoiler for list item baru MEI 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Chris Capre. Advanced Ichimoku Course - Rp. 15.000 2. Andrew Menaker. Acting in Your Own Best Interest (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Anne-Marie Baiynd. Using Pivot Points (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. Chris Verhaegh - Simple Option Trading Formula - Secret Pricing Formula for Doubling Your Money (1 DVD) - Rp.17.500 5. Cameron Fous - Fous4x2 (7 DVD) - Rp. 120.000 6. John Bollinger. A practical Introduction to Bollinger Bands 2013 (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. Ryan Litchfield. Checklist Trading (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 Ebooks (per title Rp. 5.000) : 1. Following the Trend. Diversified Managed Futures Trading. by Andreas F. Clenow 2. The Encyclopedia of Trading Strategies. by Jeffrey Owen Katz 3. Trading STIR Futures. An Introduction to Short-Term Interest Rate Futures. by Stephen Aikin 4. Trend Trading Indicators. Secrets to Predicting Market Direction. by John Person 5. Understanding MACD -. by Gerald Appel Edward Dobson Spoiler for list item baru JUNI 2014 DVDCourse : 1. Forex Mentor. Advanced Forex Price Action - Rp. 20.000 2. Andrew Menaker. Tools for Managing Fear and Greed - Gratitude and Humility (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 3. Chris Verhaegh. Profiting from Seemingly Worthless Options (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 4. John Bollinger. Bollinger on Bollinger Bands 2013 (7 DVD) - Rp.120.000 5. Steve Nison. Beginning to Profit from Candlestick Charts (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 6. Tom DeMark. TD Analysis to Supercharge Your Trading Results (1 DVD) - Rp. 17.500 7. 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